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My Top Ten Favorite Film Soundtracks

After each one is my favorite theme from that one. Or if the place is given to a series, the best from each film in that series. 10:...

laughing middle school boy
middle school boy sitting

A photo of me where I have an actually natural smile.

You may have noticed that I write about myself a lot. This is because I only really have access to my own thoughts, and also because I'm self-focused, arrogant, insecure and egotistical. Like, at least as much as many people, probably.

But I'm trying to be less so. Jesus helps me do that, I think.

Anyway, I use this blog to help channel my thoughts so I don't feel as compelled to talk too much in person. (It doesn't work too well.)

Hello, fellow human! I know two things about you: You have a screen wide enough to see these words, and you are interesting in finding/reading some of my older posts.


Oh, and you're in the future. Hi, future human!


I also hope you like toast. Because a life without toast seems quite empty to me.

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