After each one is my favorite theme from that one. Or if the place is given to a series, the best from each film in that series.
10: Ender's Game—"Salamander Battle"
9: 300—"To Victory"
8: Jason Bourne (whole series)—"The Apartment", "Gathering Data", "Waterloo", "Legacy", and "Motorcycle Chase"
7: Gladiator—"The Might of Rome"
6: Pirates of the Caribbean (whole series)—"He's a Pirate", "Davy Jones", "What Shall We Die For", "Blackbeard", and "He's a Pirate (revised)"
5: The Chronicles of Narnia (whole trilogy)—"Only the Beginning of the Adventure", "Miraz Crowned", and "Dragon Attack"
4: Interstellar—"Mountains"
3: The Hobbit (whole trilogy)—"Over Hill", "Inside Information", and "Sons of Durin"
2: Dune (2021 version)—"Premonition"
1: The Lord of the Rings (whole trilogy)—"Amon Hen", "The Uruk-hai", and "Minas Tirith"