My brain is the organ which I value most highly. I use it every day (though sometimes you can't tell). The human brain is one of God's most amazing creations.
That said, sometimes my brain exhibits signs of excessive nerdiness or strangeness. Here are some examples of things I've said or written in the last month or so that appear to show signs of excessive nerdiness or strangeness. In other words, here are some of my most awesome random quotes. Some have been slightly edited for clarity.
"Several of Anakin's blows aren't aimed at Obi-Wan at all, but at his saber." —Analysis of lightsaber combat on one of my forums
"I had the most reasonable conclusion from the available data. I just forgot that I can forget data." —Conversation with my mom after finding tape in my room after being certain that it wasn't in my room
"So enjoy sounding like a bass Smurf before you burn, are crushed, lose your skin, and are poisoned." —Google Hangout with school friends, talking about what your voice would sound like on the planet Venus
"the custard cream got an alarming rating of 5.63. Jaffa Cakes got 1.16, the safest." —Google Hangout with school friends
"Justice, kill me now! Put me out of my misery." —Conversation with little brother while fighting with foam swords
"You are attempting to undermine my trust in my mental abilities, without evidence. Were I to find you sabotaging any other tool or weapon of mine, such as a machete or staff, I would not hesitate to denounce and destroy you." —Conversation with friend who suggested I might be crazy
"A plasma torpedo is an explosive plasma warhead, fired using compressed air. When the torpedo hits something, it explodes, spraying plasma into the target." —Post on one of my forums
"Dear Lord, thank you for this amazing, healthy food—or probably healthy, I don't know for sure—and thank you for the people who made it, whether they are my parents or my sister. Please bless this food to us and help us sleep well." —Common dinner prayer of mine
"If the post I just posted is a window into my brain, what kind of window is it? Is it a single-pane or ballistic glass?" —Me to myself after hitting Publish on this post