We created the CSBAH Test to rate the reliability of sources. It stands for Credentials, Sources, Bias, Acclamation, and History.
We rate sources from 1-10 in each section of the CSBAH Test, then add up the results. A maximum score is 50.
0/50—10/50: JUNK NEWS. These sources are very biased and unreliable. Do not trust them.
11/50—20/50: LOW RELIABILITY. These sources are quite untrustworthy and generally should not be trusted.
21/50—30/50: QUESTIONABLE. These sources may publish accurate stories, but often their work is inaccurate and biased.
31/50—40/50: FAIRLY TRUSTWORTHY. These are generally trustworthy sources, and can be used as sources if backed up by others.
41/50—50/50: VERY RELIABLE. These sources are highly trustworthy and can almost always be believed.
We always list our sources for fact-checks at the bottom of the post. In Source ratings, we put links directly in the text.