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Devolving Train of Thought

Today my mom had me do three vocabulary worksheets. Here are my answers:

Vocabulary I:

  1. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense helped to spark the American Revolution.

  2. “Hyacinths are my favorite flowers.”

  3. I do ordain that I will no longer be forced to do these Vocabulary Worksheets.

  4. Beethoven was a musical prodigy.

  5. Daguerreotypes were the first widely available photographs.

  6. That mahogany piano is so beautiful.

  7. As a wise man once said, “Astronomical!”

  8. “Your eminence, given that sneezes are more common than murders...”

  9. “The occasion is that his eminence has recovered from the flu.”

  10. “The furrier is at the door, your eminence. He is so happy that you have gotten better!”

  11. “That hooligan? I will not allow that man in my house again!”

  12. “Letting furriers into one’s house is a pernicious habit.”

  13. “But he is your colleague!”

  14. He chortled.

  15. “That man is a public enemy. Besides, he probably has tuberculosis!”

Vocabulary II:

  1. “Why, just last week he sabotaged my anti-virus flamethrower that could be used internally!”

  2. He took the news that his COVID-seeking missiles had been destroyed with aplomb.

  3. “He is the leader of a whole liaison of flamethrower-saboteurs.”

  4. “Your eminence, the furrier has just destroyed the synagogue!”

  5. “And he is a quisling too, correct?”

  6. “How did you know, your eminence? Oh, and I have a hemorrhage from my head.”

  7. “Let us sing the National Anthem in honor of our dear hemorrhaged friend.”

  8. “Your eminence, the furrier has arrived to deliver an eulogy.”

  9. “Must I suffer the ignominy of having that man at my door?”

  10. “Your eminence, shall I catalogue all the crimes that furrier has committed?”

  11. He denounced the idea, saying that it would be a waste to cut down the entire Amazon just to bring one man to justice.

  12. “You are certainly not taciturn, your eminence!”

  13. “How would you like your skull to be just another relic in my room?”

  14. “I am sorry, your eminence, for unabashedly speaking my mind.”

  15. The axe his eminence used to decapitate her certainly did not fit the stereotype.

Vocabulary III:

  1. “I shall have to confiscate your axe, Mr. Eminence.”

  2. “Why? Is it too extravagant?”

  3. “No. Though it is a rather fancy design—Semitic or Japanese. I am confiscating it because you killed your maid with it.”

  4. “I exterminated her because she was rude to me.”

  5. “If that is the truth, then the electric chair is but a prelude to your real troubles.”

  6. “What if I only beheaded her ostensibly? That is, I only pretended to kill her?”

  7. “Even if you did, you jeopardized your soul by doing so.”

  8. “I should have done it more clandestinely.”

  9. “Even then, some incriminating evidence would have turned up, your eminence.”

  10. “I still don’t know why you are arresting me. I struck her in the neck, not in the nucleus of the head.”

  11. “You killed her, and that’s what matters. Besides, you do not eat kosher.”

  12. “Genealogically, my family is very important, so you can’t arrest me.”

  13. “It doesn’t matter how important your family is, the law is the law.”

  14. “My father was a doctor. He even performed an appendectomy once!”

  15. “As I said before, the law is the law.”

  16. “Where did you get that insignia?”

  17. “From the Chief of Police. He is quite minuscule, so he stood on a ladder to pin it on my chest.”


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