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Thoughts on "Interstellar"

(Spoilers, obviously.)

  1. Wow, I love this movie.

  2. TARS is so cool. Perhaps my favorite character.

  3. Wow, I really expected Doyle to be the bad guy. He wasn't. He managed to die quickly too.

  4. The dialogue seems pretty chunky sometimes.

  5. Tom looks a lot like me.

  6. The scene with the series of messages from home is SAD. I'm not very emotional [citation needed] and I still cried.

  7. Okay, I now have a good reason to grow a beard someday—when I can no longer look like Paul Atreides. *Cue schoolmates telling me I don't look like him anyway*

  8. Miller's planet was awesome. The current should've been stronger to power such waves, sure—but the SOUNDTRACK! Incredible. (Edit: They could have been tidal bulges.)

  9. The Endurance is stated by CASE to be revolving at 67-68 rpm. But it's clearly less than 30 rpm. (Thanks to IMDb for pointing this out.)

  10. CASE says that docking is "not possible". But it clearly was. He should know, right?

  11. The black hole was very accurate (the colors should be different, but that's minor). Note that it was rendered as a smaller black hole than it's supposed to be.

  12. Cooper and TARS should've been torn apart by gravity when they enter the black hole. But they aren't. (Edit: Physicist Kip Thorne has apparently published equations that suggest that such a thing could be within the bounds of possibility. If a black hole is rotating very fast, the radiation will kill you, but gravity won't.)

  13. The writers are clearly quite smart people. A refreshing change from some other films where they assume viewers are only capable of understanding love triangles and cavalry charges.

  14. Mann sure seems unfit, lol. Breathing heavily after light walking/climbing.

  15. I wonder what happened to Edmund.

  16. Finally, a sci-fi film with no speed-of-plot FTL drive. It just keeps things down-to-earth.

I watched it in two segments, and so I put it as #7 on my list of favorite films at first, but then put it at #8 on the list after I finished it, because it kinda departed from reality and was a bit anticlimactic for the last twenty minutes or so.

Over all, this is an amazing movie (remember that that's from my point of view, and I'm a nerd who doesn't care much about Rule of Cool), and I very much recommend it.


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