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Poll Results

Remember that poll I took a few weeks ago? Here are the results.

(Image courtesy of

All percentages are rounded.

Which juice do you prefer, orange or apple?

57% (four votes): Orange

43% (three votes): Apple

What is your favorite color, blue, green, red, or other?

43% (three votes): Blue

43% (three votes): Other

14% (one vote): Green

0% (zero votes): Red

Which is your favorite dinosaur, Spinosaurus, T. rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor, Brachiosaurus, or other?

43% (three votes): Spino

29% (two votes): Rex

14% (one vote): Other

All others received no votes.

Who would win in a fight between Boromir and Thorin?

57% (four votes): Thorin

43% (three votes): Boromir


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