My friends (I'll call them, N, E, and D) and I own several machetes, axes, and other brush-clearing tools, which we have named after weapons from Tolkien/Jackson mythology.

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: Dutch (myself)
Length (machete): 23 3/8 inches
Length (sword): 47 3/8 inches
Hewing ability: 4/5
Slashing ability: 2/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: Glamdring used to have a plastic handle, but it split, so we replaced it with a wooden one.

(Picture courtesy of Not a picture of the actual machete, but one like it.)

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: D
Length (machete): 23 3/8 inches (approximate)
Length (sword): 38 3/4 inches
Hewing ability: 4/5
Slashing ability: 3/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: E and D often swap machetes.

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: Jeffry (my dad)
Length (machete): 25 3/8 inches
Length (sword): Unknown
Hewing ability: 4/5
Slashing ability: 2/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: This machete has probably killed more dwarf Oregon Grape plants than any other blade. It once slew 186 in one day.

(Picture courtesy of Not a picture of the exact machete, but one of the same make.)

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: D
Length (machete): 27 inches
Length (sword): Unknown
Hewing ability: 4/5
Slashing ability: 1/5
Thrusting ability: 4/5
Fact: Most machetes are not sharp at the tip, but Anguirel is. It can be used to skewer plants.

(Picture courtesy of Not a picture of the actual machete, but one like it.)

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: E
Length (machete): 23 inches (approximate)
Length (sword): 28 inches (approximate)
Hewing ability: 3/5
Slashing ability: 2/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: This machete is designed off an Malaysian knife called a parang.

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: E
Length (wooden axe): 42 inches (approximate)
Length (battle-axe): Unknown
Hewing ability: 4/5
Slashing ability: 1/5
Thrusting ability: 0/5
Fact: This axe is made of wood, though not in the books.

(Picture courtesy of
Owner: Justice (my little brother)
Length (machete): 22 1/2 inches
Length (sword): Unknown
Hewing ability: 3/5
Slashing ability: 1/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: This machete was originally going to be named Orcrist.

Owner: Heidi (my little sister)
Length (machete): 19 3/8 inches
Hewing ability: 3/5
Slashing ability: 3/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: This machete is named for the sound it makes when it hits something.

Owner: Jeffry
Length (machete): 22 7/8 inches
Length (sword): 36 1/2 inches
Hewing ability: 4/5
Slashing ability: 2/5
Thrusting ability: 1/5
Fact: Herugrim means "savage" in old english.
War hammers:

From top:
My personal war hammer
Heidi's war hammer
Random war hammer
N's personal war hammer, Thorin