“We, by not aiding our hosts, are arguably abetting the extermination of half the human race.”
“It still remains to be seen if even half shall be effaced from the earth.”
“I have served as a factotum for the last twenty years. It’s good—if not quite life-prolonging—to be back in the field.”
“I have been an emissary for so long that it feels alien to do so,” agreed Jack.
“My whole career, I have hunted our enemy, culminating in our present situation.
“As a former interlocutor of the SCP council, I have acquired a certain… reputation, in that time.”
“Your temper and will are indomitable forces.
“Your simple lack of obsequiousness, like mine, has put you in some tough spots.”
His Eminence was nonplussed. As he opened his mouth to reply, another round of gunshots erupted from the gardens.
“I think it is within the gamut of our jobs to suit up now, and do what is right” said Jack.
“We already did that, fool!” His Eminence replied, somewhat confused at the salvo.
“It’s more dramatic and tells the story better if I saw that now. Let’s get out there. I’ll lead with reconnaissance.”
The battlefield had been very nearly won already by the Furrier’s forces, his ubiquitous mind orchestrating them perfectly.
“I remember when I first saw him. He was masquerading as a priest then, with a kevlar soutane, as I learned to my dismay.”
“I trust your attack was done in a supercilious manner?” “No.”
By bribery, coercion or otherwise, some of the surviving guards had turned against their comrades.
“We can’t operate anywhere in the east of the United States. A very prominent person there has pronounced an anathema against me.”
“My, my, you must have been quite audacious in your octopus rearing,” remarked Jack with a chuckle.
“An astute guess, but utterly inaccurate.”
“I assume your discomfiture at being excluded from American endeavors is quite great.”
“The very opposite of the degree of your insubordination, actually.”
“And there the enigma was: Most people are terrified of GMOs, yet they want advances in medicine to better their food.”
“I, for one, will never submit to the infusion of scorpion venom into the things I consume!”
“—anyway, the difficulty had me, for a time, pinioned.”
“I, somehow, implicitly knew that that squirt of ink was unusual. Well, so it turned out to be.”
The planets glowed in the sky. Upon the surface of one, if one had a powerful telescope that bypassed the earth’s pesky atmosphere, could be seen vestiges of a great civilization, one not constrained by the valleys of its homeworld. One with living knowledge of birds.
Every motion in the keychain had been preconcerted with the utmost care, unlike almost everything I do.
“After his sacrilege in the Isles, I would not be surprised if
“that reprobate Smyth may continue to exasperate his Intro To Literature teacher by continuing sentences from one line of a numbered list to the next.”
“The existence of a greater entity trying to cram obscure words into our speech is certainly problematic.”