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Introvert Lockdown

A few introvert's favorite activities during this plan—er, pandemic

Are you a fellow human? Maybe even an introvert? If you are, you may enjoy this guide to fun stuff to do during the stay-at-home order and beyond.

Build LEGO Structures

Don't think that LEGO building is only for kids. It's still fun for any age. (Well, if you are a guy who is ignoring two screaming toddlers while he builds a LEGO ballista, maybe rethink it.) But otherwise, you may enjoy a fun LEGO challenge. I've got a few for you to browse, and if you have your own please let me know in the comments!

1. Build a LEGO Ballista

2. Or, build a LEGO Polybolos (arrow-machine gun)

“Is there anything inspiring about LEGO's?” –Heidi Patterson

For Extroverts: Quarantine Friends

I sit with a group in the Honesty Cafe while we chat every single day. "Hey!" you say, "That's illegal! Besides, aren't you a homebody and an introvert?"

I'm talking about a podcast. It's called the Brant & Sherri Oddcast. It's amazing. If you'd like to listen to funny, quirky, serious, relevant, refreshing, and counter-culture Christians Brant and Sherri, then go to your podcasts app and search "Brant and Sherri Oddcast". You may hate it at first (people have been known to accidentally listen to the Bob and Sherry Oddcast which is entirely different and is rated R) and not get it, but soon you'll be hanging out with your Quarantine Friends. (Unless you are screaming-toddlers-guy.)

Watch movies

The Hobbit movies are great. The LotR movies are the best. Trust me. Binge watch them through the COVID-19 season and you'll either love Peter Jackson or hate him.


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