Happily, these things will not be in heaven (I think). Please don't take this personally; just laugh.
When you're watching a movie and suddenly it stops because there's a scratch on the disk or something
When your mom does the laundry and for some reason you only get one sock back
When a new study finds that your favorite dinosaur was no match in a fight for T. rex
When you find something wrong on a wiki page but you can't edit it because it's locked
When Hugh Ross says another thing you disagree with
When Richard Dawkins says another thing you disagree with
When Joel Osteen says another thing
When your one of favorite battlebots gets destroyed by Tombstone
When your one of favorite battlebots gets destroyed by BioHazard
When someone on the Internet calls Ken Ham an idiot
When someone on the Internet calls Ken Ham a fraud
When you stub your toe really hard and learn to speak in tongues
When you bite your tongue really hard and invent 45 new curses
When you pour out your heart and soul working on a post and no one comments on it even though you asked them to
When you spend all afternoon taking care of your little brother and he thanks you by walloping you with a stick
When you spend all afternoon taking care of your little brother and he thanks you by walloping you with a broom
When you spend all afternoon taking care of your little brother and he thanks you by walloping you with a hammer
When you spend all afternoon taking care of your little brother and he thanks you by walloping you with his forehead
When your sister promises to do a favor for you and then later changes her mind
When you tell an amazingly well-crafted joke and nobody laughs
When yet another person calls the US a democracy instead of a republic
When another inaccurate Star Wars movie comes out
When another Star Wars movie comes out
When another Internet user claims that a katana can cut through a tank
When a huge wooden oar you have in your room for no good reason falls over and cracks you on the head