This is an amazing book.

The Men We Need is Brant Hansen's latest book. Brant is that autistic guy who talks about cows catching car thieves on the radio. He's written three books before this: Unoffendable (about why anger is a sin), Blessed Are The Misfits (about how your salvation does not depend on whether you "feel" God's presence), and The Truth About Us (about human self-righteousness and how Jesus saves us from it).
Anyway, this book is full of lessons on masculinity and what that means. Many people only critique toxic masculinity and don't really build up a complete vision of what true masculinity really is. Others just worship their image of the ideal man, which is typically a guy on steroids with the intelligence of a moldy potato.
But the Bible (and observation of humanity) paints a very different picture: Being a protector and nurturer. Being wise. Being there as a man.
Brant guides us through (and we get the feeling that he's in our shoes) these ideas with his train-of-thought, dry-humor-filled writing, and I have to say that this is one of the best nonfiction books I've ever read.
(I doubt Brant is reading this, but if you are, thanks!)