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Hypothetical Questions Over At Non-Political Fact-Checking!

One of my other sites, Dutch's Fact-Checker, has been pretty much dead for about a year. I haven't posted much, and so it has become desolate, a haunt of jackals and abode of wolves.

However, I'd like to revive it. The "Hypothetical Question" category, which primarily tackles myths and random science-y questions (in the vein of What If?, Mythbusters, and Rhett Allain's Wired articles), will become the site's main feature.

So, if you have some time today, head over to that site's Contact page and ask a question! Preferred questions will be:

Based on some sort of urban legend or movie trope. This kind of question is awesome.

Not really like What If? questions "What would happen..." though these are fine too.

Not super simple, answerable by Google search or a Quora question.

Not too complicated. I'm a high schooler, for goodness' sake. I'll probably use Omnicalculator for velocity calculations, which are super simple compared to what some other HQ blogs do. My answers will be more based on precedent and reference than my own calculations.

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